Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Roadrunner, FML (almost)

Thanks to all those years of ninja training and cat-like reflexes I narrowly avoided munching a roadrunner yesterday while zipping along on the bike at 20mph. Sucker ran right out in front of me and was almost toast. If it had run right across the track it wouldn't have been so bad, but instead it ran down the track at an angle. Whew. Close call. Coulda swore I saw the bastard smirking as it ducked into the brush. Do birds smirk?

Somewhat related... logged 325 miles this month on the bike so far. Max speed 28.7 mph - and that's actual hammering under a load (not coasting down some steep hill or something.) Average speed yesterday (over 28 mile ride) was 17.1 mph, not too bad for a fat guy on a mountain bike...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mountain Biking at St. Edwards Park

Mountain Biking at Saint Edwards Park in Austin, Texas. The park is located in the Bull Creek watershed. It is the first place I ever mountain biked in almost 19 years ago. We've logged thousands of miles on those trails over the years. Sadly, many of the trails no longer exist since much of the original tract of land (about 95%) is now off limits to practically everyone due to endangered species habitat. Not that there's anything wrong with that..

Spring! Bam!

According to the rose bush, winter lasted exactly 2 months (and that's fine with me.)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I just got "spanked" by YouTube..

Dear mx4789,
Your video,
Mountain Biking at Saint Edwards Park, Austin TX, may have content that is owned or licensed by WMG.
No action is required on your part; however, if you are interested in learning how this affects your video, please visit
the Content ID Matches section of your account for more information.

Sincerely,- The YouTube Team

Okay.. the "No action is required on your part.." part means "we've just deleted part of your video" but we've worded it in such a way that you won't freak out and go check your account. I knew something was up when it took almost an hour to upload a 2 minute video. Wow! They must have some kind of carnivore-type of software. My video was up less than an hour and only had 1 hit before it got flagged. Anyway.. be warned, big brother is here.